Actions are the operations performed on the web elements. They simulate user interactions, such as clicking, typing, and selecting elements on a web page. This page provides a breakdown of all supported actions, organized into categories for easy reference.
Input Actions
The Fill action allows you to enter text into input fields. This is commonly used to simulate user input, such as typing a username or password into a form field.
To fill a value into an input field:
- Select the Fill action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Enter the text value in the Value field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Fill Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
The text value to be filled into the input field. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
The maximum time to wait for the element to be visible or interactable before performing the action. -
Force Action (Optional)
If enabled, the action will be performed even if the element is not visible or interactable.
This action interacts with a web element by performing the following steps:
Actionability Check
Ensures the element is ready and actionable before proceeding. -
Focus and Fill
Focuses the element, fills it with the specified text, and triggers an input event. To clear the input field, simply pass an empty string. -
Error Handling for Unsupported Elements
If the target element is not an<input>
, or[contenteditable]
element, the action will fail. However, if the element is inside a<label>
element with an associated control, that control will be filled instead.
For advanced control over keyboard events, use type for precise keystroke handling.
The Clear action removes any existing text from an input field, preparing it for new input.
To clear an input field:
- Select the Clear action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Clear Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Specifies the maximum time to wait for the element to be visible before performing the action. -
Force Action (Optional)
If enabled, clears the input regardless of visibility.
This action interacts with a web element by performing the following steps:
Actionability Check
Ensures the element is ready and actionable before proceeding. -
Error Handling for Unsupported Elements
If the target element is not an<input>
, or[contenteditable]
element, the action will fail. However, if the element is inside a<label>
element with an associated control, that control will be filled instead.
Select Option
The Select Option action selects a specified option from a dropdown menu or <select>
element. This can be based on the option’s visible text, value, or index.
To select an option:
- Select the Select Option action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Specify the option(s) to select in Option Value(s).
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Select Option Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Option Value(s)
Specifies the option(s) to select, based on text, value, or index. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum time to wait for the element to be interactable. -
Force Action (Optional)
If enabled, selects the option even if the element is not visible or interactable.
This action selects options from a <select>
element by following these steps:
Actionability Check
Ensures the<select>
element is ready and interactive before proceeding. -
Option Selection
Waits until all specified options are present within the<select>
element and then selects them. -
Error Handling for Unsupported Elements
If the target web element is not a<select>
element, an error will be thrown. However, if the element is inside a<label>
with an associated control, that control will be used instead. -
Event Triggers
After all specified options are selected, the action triggerschange
The Focus action moves the browser’s focus to the specified element, often used before interacting with form fields or other interactive elements.
To focus on an element:
- Select the Focus action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Focus Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the element to become focusable.
Click Actions
The Click action simulates a single mouse click on an element, such as a button, link, or checkbox.
To click on an element:
- Select the Click action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Select/Fill the options (leave empty to go with the default values.)
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Click Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Specifies the mouse button to use (left
, ormiddle
).- Defaults to
- Defaults to
Click Count
Number of times to click.- Defaults to
- Defaults to
Time to wait betweenmouse down
andmouse up
in milliseconds.- Defaults to
- Defaults to
Modifiers (Optional)
Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the operation, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used. "ControlOrMeta" resolves to "Control" on Windows and Linux and to "Meta" on macOS. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the element to be interactable. -
Force Action (Optional)
If enabled, clicks even if the element is not visible.
This method performs a click action on the specified element by executing the following steps:
Actionability Check
Waits for the element to be ready and interactive, unless Force Click is enabled. -
Scroll into View
Scrolls the element into view if it is not already visible. -
Navigation Wait (if applicable)
Waits for any navigation triggered by the click to either complete or fail. -
Error Handling
If the element becomes detached from the page at any point during these steps, the click action will fail, throwing an error.
Timeout Behavior: If the action takes longer than the specified timeout, a Timeout Error will be thrown. Setting the timeout to zero disables the timeout limit entirely.
Double Click
The Double Click action simulates two rapid clicks on an element, often used to trigger specific functionality requiring a double-click interaction.
To double-click on an element:
- Select the Double Click action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Select/Fill the options (leave empty to go with the default values.)
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Double Click Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Specifies the mouse button to use. -
Delay (Optional)
Delay in milliseconds between the two clicks. -
Modifiers (Optional)
Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the operation, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used. "ControlOrMeta" resolves to "Control" on Windows and Linux and to "Meta" on macOS. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the element to be interactable. -
Force Action (Optional)
Clicks regardless of element visibility.
This method performs a click action on the specified element by executing the following steps:
Actionability Check
Waits for the element to be ready and interactive, unless Force Click is enabled. -
Scroll into View
Scrolls the element into view if it is not already visible. -
Navigation Wait (if applicable)
Waits for any navigation triggered by the click to either complete or fail. -
Error Handling
If the element becomes detached from the page at any point during these steps, the double click action will fail, throwing an error.
Timeout Behavior: If the action takes longer than the specified timeout, a Timeout Error will be thrown. Setting the timeout to zero disables the timeout limit entirely.
A double-click dispatches two click events followed by a single double-click event on the element.
Key Press Actions
The Press action simulates a keypress event on the specified element. This is useful for interacting with elements that respond to keyboard inputs, such as pressing Enter to submit a form.
To press a key on an element:
- Select the Press action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Select the Key to be pressed in the Key field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Press Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
The key to be pressed, such asEnter
, or any other key. -
Modifiers (Optional)
- Following modification shortcuts are also supported:
,Control or Meta (macOS)
. - Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the operation, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
resolves to "Control" on Windows and Linux and to "Meta" on macOS.
- Following modification shortcuts are also supported:
Perform event on page (Optional)
Perform the event on the page instead of the element. Eg: Pressing a key on the page. -
Delay in milliseconds (Optional)
Delay between pressing and releasing the key. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the element to accept the key press.
Most of the time, you should input text with Fill (See the Input Actions section above). You only need to type characters if there is special keyboard handling on the page.
The Type action simulates typing a sequence of characters into the specified element. This is useful for entering text into input fields, such as usernames, passwords, or other text inputs.
To type text into an element:
- Select the Type action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Enter the text in the Text field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Type Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
The text to be typed, such asusername
, or any other string. -
Delay in milliseconds (Optional)
Delay between each character typed, simulating a more natural typing speed. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the element to accept the text input.
Mouse Actions
The Hover action moves the mouse pointer over an element, triggering any hover-related interactions or animations, such as tooltips.
To hover over an element:
- Select the Hover action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Hover Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the element to become hoverable. -
Force Action (Optional)
Hovers even if the element is not visible or interactable.
This action performs a hover action over the specified element by executing the following steps:
Actionability Check
Waits for the web element to be ready and interactive, unless Force Hover is enabled. -
Scroll into View
Scrolls the web element into view if it is not already visible on the screen. -
Error Handling
If the element is removed from the page during these steps, the hover action will fail, throwing an error.
Timeout Behavior: If the action takes longer than the specified timeout, a Timeout Error will be thrown. Setting the timeout to zero disables the timeout limit entirely.
Scroll Into View
The Scroll Into View action scrolls the page until the specified element is visible within the viewport. Useful for elements that require scrolling to access.
To scroll an element into view:
- Select the Scroll Into View action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Scroll Into View Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the element to be scrolled into view.
Most of the time, Tacl will automatically scroll for you before doing any actions. Therefore, you do not need to scroll explicitly.
However, in rare cases you might need to manually scroll. For example, you might want to force an "infinite list" to load more elements, or position the page for a specific screenshot. In such a case, the most reliable way is to find a web element that you want to make visible at the bottom, and scroll it into view.
Checkbox Actions
The Check action checks a checkbox if it’s not already checked.
To check a checkbox:
- Select the Check action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Check Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the checkbox to be checked. -
Force Action (Optional)
Checks the checkbox even if not interactable.
This action performs the following steps to check an element, which should be a checkbox or radio input:
Element Validation
Ensures the element is acheckbox
orradio input
. If not, an error is thrown. If the element is already checked, the method exits immediately. -
Actionability Check
Waits for any required actionability checks on the element, unless the force option is enabled. -
Scroll into View
Scrolls the element into view, if necessary. -
Uses the mouse to click at the center of the element. -
Confirms that the element is now checked. If it’s not checked, an error is thrown. -
DOM Detachment Check
If the element becomes detached from the DOM during the process, an error is thrown.
Timeout Behavior: If the action takes longer than the specified timeout, a Timeout Error will be thrown. Setting the timeout to zero disables the timeout limit entirely.
The Uncheck action unchecks a checkbox if it’s currently checked.
To uncheck a checkbox:
- Select the Uncheck action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Uncheck Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the checkbox to be unchecked. -
Force Action (Optional)
Unchecks the checkbox even if not interactable.
This method performs the following steps to uncheck an element, which should be a checkbox or radio input:
Element Validation
Ensures the element is acheckbox
orradio input
. If not, an error is thrown. If the element is already unchecked, the method exits immediately. -
Actionability Check
Waits for any required actionability checks on the element, unless the force option is enabled. -
Scroll into View
Scrolls the element into view, if necessary. -
Uses the mouse to click at the center of the element. -
Confirms that the element is now unchecked. If it’s not unchecked, an error is thrown. -
DOM Detachment Check
If the element becomes detached from the DOM during the process, an error is thrown.
Timeout Handling
If all steps do not complete within the specified timeout, a TimeoutError is thrown. Setting the timeout to zero disables this feature.
Set Checked
The Set Checked action sets the state of a checkbox
or a radio element
To uncheck a checkbox:
- Select the Set Checked action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Uncheck Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Set Checked (Optional)
Set the checkbox state to checked or unchecked. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum wait time for the checkbox to be unchecked. -
Force Action (Optional)
Unchecks the checkbox even if not interactable.
This method checks or unchecks an element by performing the following steps:
Element Validation
Ensures the matched element is acheckbox
orradio input
. If not, an error is thrown. -
State Check
If the element already has the desired checked state, the method exits immediately. -
Actionability Check
Waits for any required actionability checks on the matched element, unless the force option is enabled. If the element becomes detached during the checks, the entire action is retried. -
Scroll into View
Scrolls the element into view, if necessary. -
Uses the mouse to click at the center of the element. -
Confirms that the element is now checked or unchecked as intended. If it’s not in the correct state, an error is thrown.
Timeout Handling
If all steps do not complete within the specified timeout, a TimeoutError is thrown. Setting the timeout to zero disables this feature.
Wait Actions
Wait For
The Wait For action pauses execution until a specified condition is met, such as an element becoming visible, clickable, or hidden. This is useful for actions that require the presence or absence of elements before proceeding.
To use the Wait For action:
- Select the Wait For action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Set the condition for waiting (e.g., element is visible, hidden etc.).
- Specify the Timeout duration.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Wait For Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
- The condition that must be met before proceeding (e.g., visible, hidden, detatched or attached).
- Defaults to 'visible'
Timeout in milliseconds
Maximum time to wait for the specified condition to be met.
The Delay action pauses execution for a fixed period. This can be useful for waiting between actions or providing time for animations to complete.
To add a delay:
- Select the Delay action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Specify the Delay Time in milliseconds.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Delay Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Delay Time in milliseconds
Specifies how long the execution should pause before proceeding.
Other Actions
Select Text
The Select Text action highlights or selects text within an element. This is useful for actions that require selecting a portion of text, such as copy-pasting or modifying selected content.
If the element is inside the <label>
element that has an associated control, focuses and selects text in the control instead.
To select text within an element:
- Select the Select Text action from the actions list.
- Enter the action name in the Action Name field.
- Click the Add Action button to finalize the action.
Select Text Configuration:
Action Name
A unique name for the action. -
Timeout in milliseconds (Optional)
Maximum time to wait for the element to be interactable. -
Force Action (Optional)
Unchecks the checkbox even if not interactable.
Future Actions
Upload File(s)
The Upload File(s) action will allow users to select and upload one or multiple files to an input of type file
. This is essential for testing file upload functionality.
Drag To
The Drag To action will simulate dragging an element from one location and dropping it onto a specified target element. This is used for testing drag-and-drop features.
The Screenshot action will capture a screenshot of a specific element or the entire viewport, useful for creating visual records of the page state during testing.
These actions form the foundation of web interaction in codeless test automation, allowing users to perform complex testing scenarios that mimic real user behavior.