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Test Suites

Test suites are a collection of test cases that are grouped together to run sequentially or parallely. Test suites help you organize and manage your test cases efficiently, making it easier to execute and monitor multiple test cases at once. You can group test cases based on the application, feature, or functionality you are testing, and run them together to validate the application's behavior.

Creating Test Suites

To create a test suite:

  1. Navigate to the Test Suites section.
  2. Click on the Create Test Suite button.
  3. Enter a name for the test suite.
  4. Enter the description for the test suite.
  5. Click on the Create button to save the test suite.

Create Test Suite

Adding Test Cases to Test Suites

To add test cases to a test suite:

  1. Navigate to the Test Suites section.
  2. Click on the test suite to which you want to add test cases.
  3. Click on the Add Testcases button.
  4. Select the test cases you want to add to the test suite.
  5. Click on the Add Testcases button to save the test cases to the test suite.

Execution Order of Test Cases

The test cases added to a test suite will be executed in the order they are added. You can reorder the test cases using the up and down arrows to change the execution order.

Running Test Suites

To run a test suite:

  1. Navigate to the Test Suites section.
  2. Click on the test suite you want to run.
  3. Click on the Run Test Suite button.
  4. Select the Execution Profile to be used for the test run. The execution profile determines the browser and environment in which the test suite will be executed.
  5. Select the Dataset to be used for the test run. If you select the default dataset, the test suite will be executed with the default values of the variables.
  6. If you wanted to send Email Reports, select the email report group from the Send Test Report To dropdown.
  7. Click on the Run Test Suite button to schedule the test suite for execution.

The test suite will be executed, and you can monitor the progress and results in real-time in Test Runs.